
A group is the first thing you create when you use Reworkd. Groups are a collection of source urls/jobs that share a common schema and scraping frequency.

For example, if you were looking to scrape multiple online bookstores for book data, you might create a Bookstore group and add all of the bookstore source URLs within it.


A schema is a structured definition of the data you want to scrape from a website. Read more about schemas in our Schemas page. All jobs within a group will share the same schema.


A job represents a distinct source URL within a scraping group. We break jobs down to various stages as a scraper flows through a website and enqueues additional pages. We consider the first job the source job, and any jobs that get enqueued by the source job are considered child jobs.

Jobs can be configured with various settings such as proxy types, timeouts, and other parameters to optimize the scraping process for different page requirements.


Every job is associated with a specific type of stage. Suppose you are wanting to scrape an e-commerce website.

  1. The first stage might be the category page. This page would list all of the different categories of products available on the site such as shirts, pants, shoes, etc. This job would go through and enqueue all of these categories as listing pages.
  2. Each listing page would just be all of the products under a specific category. For example, it may be a list of pants. Listing jobs would just go through each page of the list and enqueue the associated product detail page.
  3. Finally, the detail page would be the final page. This page contains all of the information about a specific product. This job would just save the data of the product and be done.


A Run is a single execution of a scraping job. Job runs are essential for tracking the status and results of each scraping attempt, ensuring data is consistently collected and processed correctly; they can also be retried upon failures to enhance data accuracy. Additionally, job runs often generate a list of outputs, capturing the extracted data or links to be further processed.