This document aims to guide you through the process of setting up a local installation of AgentGPT. It’s important to note that we recommend using Docker for this installation. Docker simplifies the process and ensures that all dependencies are correctly handled, making the installation process more straightforward and less error-prone.


Before you get started, please make sure you have the following installed:

  1. Git
  2. Node.js
  3. An OpenAI API key
  4. A code editor of your choice, such as Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

In addition to the prerequisites listed above, Docker is also necessary for this setup. Follow the steps below for Docker installation:

  1. Download and install Docker
  2. After installation, create a Docker account if you don’t have one
  3. Open the Docker Desktop application and sign in

Installation with Docker

  1. Open your editor

  2. Open the Terminal - Typically, you can do this from a ‘Terminal’ tab or by using a shortcut (e.g., Ctrl + ~ for Windows or Control + ~ for Mac in VS Code).

  3. Clone the Repository and Navigate into the Directory - Once your terminal is open, you can clone the repository and move into the directory by running the commands below.

    For Mac/Linux users

    git clone
    cd AgentGPT

    For Windows users

    git clone
    cd AgentGPT
  4. Follow the setup instructions from the script - add the appropriate API keys, and once all of the services are running, travel to http://localhost:3000 on your web-browser.

Installation without Docker

Outside of docker, you’ll need to just configure your ENV. Additionally, you can use to walkthrough ENV configuration and also update your Prisma configuration to point to a local SQLite instance.

After this, you can run the following to set up your Next.js project.

// Frontend
cd ./next
npm install
npm run dev

In a different window, you can run the following to start the backend:

// Backend. Make sure you are at the root of the project
cd ./platform
poetry install
poetry run python -m reworkd_platform

Running the site

Congratulations on successfully setting up AgentGPT on your local machine! To see the fruit of your work, open your preferred web browser and visit http://localhost:3000/. There, you’ll find the AgentGPT user interface ready for you to explore and interact with.

Issues / Additional help

Despite the detailed instructions, you might still encounter some hiccups along the way. If that happens, don’t worry! We’ve got your back. Consider following this comprehensive legacy guide that walks you through the process: How to install AgentGPT locally.

If the issues persist, we invite you to submit an issue on GitHub. By doing so, you’ll not only get help, but also assist us in identifying any problematic areas to improve on. Alternatively, you can reach out to our dedicated team on Discord. We’re a community of learners and enthusiasts, and we’re always ready to lend a hand.

Happy hacking and enjoy your journey with AgentGPT!